What does Ayurveda say about afternoon Napping

Ayurveda is a comprehensive and a profound science based on body type and elements that constitute the body and mind. Everything from food to activities and sleep when done according to body type supports the holistic wellness of humans.

In Ayurveda, the practice of afternoon sleeping, known as “daytime napping” or “Divaswapna” is considered beneficial when done correctly.

Opt for afternoon nap if you are hyper active(Vata & pitta), work in a stressed environment, hyper active physically, vitamin deficient, suffering through illnesses, pregnant or recovering from disease.

  1. Duration – The ideal duration for an afternoon nap in Ayurveda is around 20 to 30 minutes. This duration is believed to be sufficient to provide rest and rejuvenation without causing inertia or heaviness upon waking.
  2. Timing – The recommended time for an afternoon nap in Ayurveda is during the Vatta time period, which typically spans from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Napping during this time can help balance doshas and provide a natural energy boost.
  3. Avoid heavy meals – It’s best to avoid heavy meals before taking an afternoon nap, as they can lead to digestive discomfort and disrupt sleep quality. Opt for a light snack if you’re hungry before your nap.
  4. Limit caffeine intakeAvoid consuming caffeine in the afternoon, as it can interfere with your ability to fall asleep and may disrupt your sleep cycle.
  5. Kapha Body Type – Avoid sleeping if you are a bit slow and lazy in nature. This can cause further lethargy and disruption in digestion
  6. Meditate instead – If you want to recharge yourself without compromising your night sleep cycle or digestion, opt for a 15 minute body scanning meditation. Refer to the last clip in reel for seating position.

By following these guidelines, you can make the most of your afternoon nap according to Ayurvedic principles, promoting balance, rejuvenation, and overall well-being.

Dt. Jahnvi Jain
Dt. Jahnvi Jain

M.Sc. Food and Nutrition, Certified Diabetic Educator, Thyroid Management
Dt. Jahnvi Jain, is a certified diabetic educator. With expertise in weight loss, diabetic care, PCOD, thyroid, hair, skin, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and renal issues, she’s dedicated to simplifying nutrition.

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