What you eat in the morning can make or break your health, and this is why the first meal or drink of the day plays an important part in the day-to-day diet. The first drink or food of the day can either help in improving overall health by providing good nutrients or can cause discomfort and digestive ailments.
5 type of foods that you must avoid consuming on an empty stomach
Tea and Coffee
They are acidic in nature, and having them on an empty stomach can disrupt the acid-basic balance, which can lead to acidity or indigestion. Try replacing it with any Herbal Tea of your choice. I recommend trying Pre-workout Tea with goodness of ashwagndha.
Avoid cold and stale food
The agni, or metabolic fire, in our gut functions tunes in with the cycle of the sun. In the morning, the gut fire is slowly warming up, and that is why we should have a warm breakfast in the morning to activate the agni in our gut according to the samaya kaal of different prakrutis: Vata, Kapha, and Pitta.
Avoid Fruits empty stomach in the morning
Fruits contain simple carbs, which get digested faster. Fruits have a sour, sweet, and astringent nature that can aggravate Kapha and lead to abnormalities related to it when consumed on an empty stomach.
Hot milk should be avoided in the Kapha Kaal (6–10 am)
Can lead to aggravated Kapha and cause heaviness, acidity, and bloating. Poha chai, paratha chai, and milk with your warm breakfast should be avoided.
Fatty, Fried, or Processed foods, Sugary snacks and drinks
Refined oil foods and bakery items, such as cookies, cakes, packaged food items, etc., are not healthy for the gut microbiota, diminish Agni, lowers metabolism and increase inflammation.